clear iphone system data
PUREVPNIndustryHow to Clear iPhone System Data

Is your iPhone’s storage constantly on the brink of full? While we are diligent about clearing out photos and messages to free up space, there is a sneaky storage hog that often slips under the radar known as system data.

System data quietly occupies a significant chunk of your iPhone’s storage, leaving you scratching your head. But worry not! In this guide, you will learn what exactly iPhone system data is and how you can clear it to regain space:

What is System Data on iPhone?

System data refers to a collection of components on your iPhone, including caches, logs, and other resources currently utilized by the system. Although Apple does not provide explicit details about the specific contents of this data, it generally encompasses temporary files and various elements that do not exclusively belong to individual apps.

It is important to note that the volume of system data can change based on the system’s needs. This dynamic nature indicates that your iPhone manages and removes unnecessary system data automatically to optimize performance.

Related Read: What is VPN on iPhone?

For example, when considering Safari, your browsing history is not categorized as app data; rather, it is stored as a cache file under the umbrella of system data. Similarly, content downloaded for offline viewing from streaming apps like Netflix and BBC iPlayer falls into this category.

Typically, storage allocation designates the “Apps” section for app sizes, while the “System Data” category includes diverse temporary files and data that do not neatly fit into other predefined classifications.

How to Check Your iPhone Storage

Curious about how much space your apps and data are occupying on your iPhone? Just follow these simple steps to find out:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap General.
  3. Select iPhone Storage.
iphone storage

Once you are there, you will see a bar graph, displaying your total iPhone storage usage and the specific types of data contributing to it. Directly below the graph is a comprehensive list of all the apps on your device, along with their respective storage consumption, including both the app itself and its associated stored data.

Remember that it might take a few moments for your iPhone to generate the graph, as it needs to scan and analyze its storage. Even after the initial chart appears, allow a few extra seconds for the information to stabilize, as the list of apps and storage sizes could potentially change while your phone completes its analysis.

Why is My iPhone System Data Too High?

There can be several reasons behind unexpectedly high system data usage on your iPhone. Some of the common factors include:

App Caches and Temporary Files

Apps often create caches and temporary files to enhance performance. However, these files can accumulate over time and consume a significant amount of storage.

Related Read: Cache vs Cookies – What’s the Difference Between Them?

Incomplete Downloads

Files that were not properly downloaded or failed downloads can contribute to the increase in system data.

Outdated Software

Using outdated iOS versions or apps might lead to inefficient data management, resulting in higher system data usage.

App Data Accumulation

Certain apps, especially social media and content streaming apps, can accumulate data over time, leading to increased system data.

Malfunctioning Apps or Processes

Sometimes, malfunctioning apps or background processes can generate excessive data, leading to higher system data usage.

How to Reduce System Data on iPhone

Is your iPhone’s system data taking up more space than you would like? Check out these effective methods to reduce system data for optimal storage:

Reboot Your iPhone

Power down your iPhone for a few minutes and then restart it. This simple step can free up system resources and clear temporary files, without the need for a full reset.

Clear Safari Cache

If you use Safari as your browser, navigate to Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data to clear out cache that might be taking up valuable space.

clear safari cache

Manage Offline Content

Regularly delete offline content from apps like Netflix by going into each app’s settings. Opt for auto-deletion whenever possible to keep your storage clutter-free.

Disable Unneeded Features

Turn off features you do not use to prevent unnecessary system data accumulation. Navigate through your device’s settings menu to disable specific features.

Identify Resource-Intensive Apps

Temporarily uninstall apps one by one to determine if any are using an unusually high amount of system data. This method can help you pinpoint apps that might be contributing to the storage issue.

Do a Factory Reset

As a final solution, a factory reset followed by restoring your backup can significantly reduce system data. Access this option in Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Erase All Content and Settings. Keep in mind that this will also sign you out of your Apple ID and remove all apps, media, and personal data.

reset iphone

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clear system data on iPhone without resetting

If you do not want to factory reset, you can clear system data using other methods like rebooting your iPhone, clearing Safari cache, removing offline content, and disabling unneeded features. However, if none of these work, your best bet is to perform a factory reset.

Can you clear system data on iPhone?

Yes, it is possible to clear iPhone system data. From doing a factory reset to identifying and removing resource-intensive apps, there are many ways to reduce system data usage on your iPhone. Give the solutions mentioned above a try.

Final Word

Once you have reduced your iPhone’s system data usage, you should take measures for its privacy and security as well. Contrary to popular belief, iOS is not 100% immune to digital threats. 

Fortunately, you can stay safe every time you go online by using a high-quality mobile VPN like PureVPN – it encrypts your data and hides your IP address for a secure internet experience!


Hunain Muhammad


January 1, 2024


6 months ago

Hunain Muhammad is a cybersecurity and technology influencer who loves to provide a unique perspective on the latest trends and their impact on the digital age.

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